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Simple Assault Bail

Simple assault and battery refers to a type of criminal offense that involves the use of physical contact to cause harm to another individual. Depending on the severity of the crime and the specific circumstances surrounding the incident, felony or misdemeanor charges can be brought against the defendant.

When an individual is arrested and charged with simple assault and battery, they may be eligible for bail. Bail is an amount of money that is paid to the court in exchange for the defendant’s temporary release from jail while they await trial. Simple assault bail amounts can vary depending on the state in which the crime was committed, the specifics of the case, and the individual accused of committing the crime.

In some states, simple assault charges can be elevated to aggravated assault and battery if a deadly weapon was used or if the victim suffered severe injuries. In these cases, the total bail amounts are significantly higher than for simple assault and battery charges. Depending on the state, aggravated assault and battery can be charged as a first-degree felony, which can result in several years in prison and a maximum fine of several thousand dollars.

A Strong Defense

It is critically important to seek legal representation and to begin building a strong defense for yourself immediately. A strong defense strategy may even influence the total bail amount set by the judge. Some common defenses to consider for your case include:

  • Self-defense: If the defendant was acting in self-defense or defense of others, this can be a valid defense to a simple assault charge.
  • Defense of property: If the defendant reasonably believed that they needed to use force to protect their property.
  • Lack of intent: If the defendant did not intend to cause harm or did not realize that their actions could cause harm.
  • Statute of limitations: If the prosecution waited too long to bring charges, the defendant may be able to argue that the statute of limitations has expired.

Simple Assault Bail Amounts

Simple assault bail amounts can vary greatly depending on a wide variety of factors which may include the severity of the crime, whether the defendant has a criminal history, whether they pose a flight risk, whether they are a danger to the community, and their financial resources.

If the defendant cannot afford to pay the total bail amount, they may choose to contact a local, reputable bail bond agent to help secure their release. A bail bond agent will post bond on the defendant’s behalf in exchange for a non-refundable fee that is equal to 10% of the total bail amount. Once a local, reputable bail bond agent has posted bond, the defendant will be released from jail while they await trial. If you have been granted a total bail amount and are looking to work with a bail bond agent, use our online simple assault bail bond calculator to determine the non-refundable fee you’ll need to pay a bail bond agent to secure your release from jail.

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