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How Much is Bail for Aggravated Stalking?

Aggravated stalking is a serious criminal charge that can result in harsh legal penalties. If you or someone you know has been charged or may be convicted of aggravated stalking, one of the primary concerns may be the amount of bail required to secure release from jail.

How much is bail for aggravated stalking? The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the severity of the offense, the criminal record of the defendant, and the flight risk of the defendant. In general, the total bail amount for aggravated stalking can be very high due to the severity of the offense.

What is Aggravated Stalking?

Stalking refers to a pattern of unwanted and obsessive behavior directed towards a specific individual. This can be elevated to aggravated stalking when a person also:

  • Commits the offense of stalking for the purpose of harassing.
  • Causes bodily injury to the victim.
  • If the victim is under a temporary restraining order or permanent injunction.
  • Has previously been convicted of stalking, family violence, or a similar offense.

In some cases, aggravated stalking may also involve the use of a deadly weapon, which can increase the seriousness of the crime. Penalties for aggravated stalking can involve large fines and prison sentences that equal or exceed 10 years.

Bail for Aggravated Stalking

If the aggravated stalking results in first-degree felony charges, the total bail amount will be much higher than a less serious charge. In some cases, bail may be denied altogether by the judge due to the seriousness of the offense and the potential flight risk of the defendant.

Answering the question, “how much bail is for aggravated stalking?” varies from state to state. For example, in Florida, the bail for aggravated stalking can range from $50,000 to $100,000 depending on the severity of the offense. In Georgia, the bail for aggravated stalking can be set as high as $250,000.

In some cases, a protective order, permanent restraining order, or a preliminary injunction may be issued against the defendant as a condition of their release on bail. These orders are designed to protect the victim from further harm and can have serious legal consequences if violated.

Additionally, the court may require the defendant to comply with certain conditions as a condition of their release on bail. For example, the court may require the defendant to stay away from the victim, refrain from contacting the victim, and/or attend counseling sessions.

Bail Bonds for Aggravated Stalking

If you have been charged with aggravated stalking and are looking to secure your release from jail, it is important to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help you navigate the legal system, build a strong defense, and work to minimize the potential legal penalties.

In addition to hiring a criminal defense attorney, working with a local, reputable bail bonds agent will help you navigate the bail process. If the defendant chooses to work with a reputable bail bondsman, they will pay the bail bond agent a non-refundable fee that is typically 10% of the total bail amount. Once that fee is paid, the bail bond agent will then work to get you released from jail while you await trial.

If you have been granted a total bail amount, use our online stalking bail bond calculator to determine the fee you’ll need to pay a bail bond agent today!

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