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Larceny Bail Cost

Bail For Larceny

How much does it cost to bail someone out of jail for larceny? Place the bail amount and our larceny bail cost calculator will show you the average cost for that bail amount! This bail calculator will give the 10% fee (the industry average) for a bail bond amount.

How much is bail for larceny?

This calculator for larceny bail cost uses the average cost for any bail bond, which is 10%. Bail percentages can vary by state & be as low as 5% or even as high as 20%. Bail percentages may be negotiable, so you should ask your bondsman.  This fee is generally non-refundable and does not include any potential collateral, if that may be required for your situation. In some states, there may even be additional fees that are not included in this larceny bail cost calculator, which generally go towards law enforcement costs, court costs, victims funds, or any other operational costs.

Bail agents generally have a $100 minimum fee, which means that if your bail amount is below $1,000 (like $500), even though the 10% average fee would be $50, you would still be charged the $100.


General Cost of Bail for Larceny

Since bail bond premiums can vary in your state and depending on offense as stated above, below, we have provided a table that gives the average bail bond premium for a wide-range of amounts.

Bail Amount5% Premium10% Premium15% Premium20% Premium

Do you need a bail bond for a larceny charge?  Find a bail bondsman with Bail Agent Network!

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If you're a bail bondsman, having a bail calculator on your website can be an excellent way to increase engagement on your website and drive new leads. Contact Bail Agent Network about getting your own custom bail calculator today!

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