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Bail Bond Amount Calculator Texas

The total bail amount is the amount that a judge has determined you need to pay in order to be released from jail while awaiting trial. If you do not have enough money to pay the total bail amount, you can choose to work with a bail bond agent. A Texas based bail bond agent will post a bond to the courts on your behalf in exchange for a nonrefundable fee that is equal to 10% of the total bail amount.

If you’ve been arrested for a crime recently, use Bail Agent Network’s bail bonds calculator to determine how much you’ll need to pay bail agents to post a bond on your behalf.

Setting the Bail

The total bail amount is set by the judge. The total bail amount for common crimes is specified on the standard bail schedule. If the person arrested cannot afford to pay the total bail amount, the accused can work with a bail bond agent to get a bond posted on their behalf.

The Bail Cost Depends on Various Factors

The average total bail amount in Texas can vary, depending on the type of crime and the prior arrest history. Serious crimes typically have higher total bail amounts and these are usually crimes that threaten national security or the lives of others.

Another determining factor in determining your total bail amount is the number of times you’ve been arrested.

When to Use a Bail Bondsman in Texas

If you cannot afford to pay the total bail amount, consider enlisting the help of a Texas based bail bond company. A bail bondsman will charge you a nonrefundable fee that is equal to 10% of the total bail amount in exchange for posting bond on your behalf.

If you decide to not work with a bail bond agent, you will have to pay the total bail bond amount in order to be released from jail while awaiting trial. Family members and friends are also eligible to pay your total bail amount.

If you are interested in using a bail bond agent in Texas, but you are unsure of how much the fee for their services will be, considering using our bail bond amount calculator. Our bail bond amount calculator allows you to calculate the total, nonrefundable fee that you will pay to a Texas bondsman to post a bond on your behalf.

In addition, if you are unsure of how to find a reputable bail bond agent, the team at Bail Agent Network has an online directory with reputable bail bond agents near you. Find a reputable agent and work with them to help you get released from jail today.

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